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Call for Sessions

We invite a wide variety of proposals for sessions seeking to make either a theoretical; methodological or industry relevant contribution to the conference thematic areas. Organized sessions offer the opportunities for attendees to organize a series of presentations related to any of the conference themes.


  • Sessions will be comprised of 4-5 paper presentations with a suggested time of 20 minutes per speaker (15 minutes presenting, 5 minutes Q & A)

  • Roundtable, panel discussions, and other formats are also welcome.

  • Speakers are scheduled according to the organizer's preferences.

  • Sessions are scheduled to run concurrently with other conference sessions.


Session organizers will be responsible for:


  • Being the primary point of contact with the Tourism Naturally Conference Planning Committee.

  • Identifying and inviting participants and ensuring that they are registered for the conference and will attend the session.

  • Serving as the chairperson (or designing another person to chair) for each session.


Please submit session proposals as abstract of max 750 words. The proposal should clearly specify the theme addressed; a rationale and the type of contribution (either theoretical; methodological or industry relevant) the session intends to make.

Please include contact details of the session organiser(s).


Please submit here.



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