Call for Papers
Protected areas are key spaces of tourism consumption and key drivers of tourism demand nationally and internationally. They are often embroiled in complex socio-cultural, economic and environmental discussions, traditionally related to sustainable tourism development. These spaces can act as catalysts for change both within and outside of the tourism setting. This conference seeks to explore the intersection of tourism, sustainability and health and wellbeing within and around protected areas. Specifically, the conference aims to understand the lasting contribution these experiences can have on the visitor and the destination through the transformative potential of the tourist encounter with natural resources. The transformational outcomes for people and places will be explored through a focus on health, wellbeing and sustainability, providing insights into the multitude of contexts, challenges, and opportunities of tourism within and around protected areas.
TNC 2019 will feature leading thinkers in tourism research and practice who will provide a special focus on tourism, transformational experiences, health, wellbeing and sustainability in and around protected areas. We invite you to join us and help set the precedent for future tourism research, innovation, and collaboration as well as to strengthen research in the field of protected area tourism and wellbeing.
Tourism as a Development Tool (Sustainable development)
Policy and Governance (Community Based Tourism, Public-private partnerships and collaborations, Equality, gender and diversity issues)
Tourism and Resilience
Social and Environmental Dimensions Tourism (e.g. International issues and cross-cultural research, Heritage Tourism Development, Responsible tourism, Eco-tourism, Volunteer tourism, Pro-poor tourism, sustainable livelihoods)
Tourism and the Sharing Economy
Protected Area Tourism (e.g. Marine protected areas, Wildlife dependent tourism)
Tourism Systems (e.g. Global-local nexus)
Climate Change and Sustainability
Tourism and Natural Disasters (e.g. Disaster planning and recovery, Dark Tourism)
Tourist Routes (e.g. Connectivity, Byways, Route development)
Rural Tourism Development (e.g. Agrotourism, Farm to Table tourism)
Mobility (e.g. Second home ownership, Immigration and Migration, Safety and Security, Seasonality)
Destinations (e.g. Community/host impacts, Western Asia Tourism Development)
Transformational tourism experiences, theory and praxis
Technology and Tourism
Gastro/culinary tourism (e.g. Wine tourism, Craft Beverage tourism)
Health, Wellbeing & Wellness Tourism
Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Tourism
Island Tourism
Mountain Tourism
Coastal Tourism
Events and Festivals, Wellbeing and Quality of Life
Hopeful tourism
Interpretation and Education
New perspectives for natural tourism
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
We invite you to submit an abstract for inclusion in the programme as either oral presentation or poster presentation. All abstracts should indicate background/ clear statement of the problem, theoretical/practical implications, methods and/or data sources and indicative findings of the research. Abstracts should be 750- word in length. The title should be no more than 12 words. Authors should also indicate the type of presentation and the conference topic their proposed contribution relates to.
All abstracts will be subject to double-blind review by members of the scientific committee. Acceptance of a submission will be based on:
Theoretical and empirical significance;
Methodological soundness;
Logic and clarity
Relevance to the theme/s of the conference.
The official language of the conference is English.
All abstract papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
For submitting your abstract please visit the following link:
Key Dates:
Extended Deadline for abstract submission: 31st March 2019
Posters Presentation Guidelines:
• These pages provide you with some guidelines to be used by authors when preparing a poster for the Tourism Naturally 2019 Conference. The format in which the information is laid out on these pages is intended to serve as a model of how your final poster should look. Please read and follow these instructions carefully.
• Authors of accepted posters are expected to prepare an A1 (portrait) poster for display at the conference, and set up their posters at a specific time according to the conference schedule. At least one author of an accepted poster must register for the conference.
• Posters are suitable to present best practices, ongoing work, new discoveries and insights, or summaries of significant projects, teaching methods, modules and curricula. Posters have the prime target to share and discuss experiences with conference attendees.
Style Guide for Submission of Posters to Tourism Naturally (36 point max) - Use this style for your Title
Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s). Please Use 26-point type (max).
Do not use titles such as “Dr.” or “Professor,” etc. Additional authors and their affiliations should be stacked under the first. Skip one line then place a full horizontal rule of 1.0mm thickness after all the authors and affiliations have been listed. This separates the heading from the text.
Leave a full line clear between the last author and the bottom horizontal rule.
Body (including introduction)
The body of poster should be single-spaced in a sans serif font (such as Arial) 24-point type and fully justified. Begin with the first level subheading of “Introduction” and before the first paragraph of the body of the poster to clearly separate the two.
Use 26-point type for a first level heading and 24-point type for the body of the poster. Please DO NOT insert page numbers.
First level headings should be left-justified, boldface, in upper and lower case.
Please note: submitted Theoretical/Academic posters may be:
• Empirically-based, i.e. comprise original research to test or develop a theory or make a new contribution to the knowledge base of the field. An empirical poster should include: (i) background information, explanation of major concepts, importance of testable research questions, and a review of previous research; (ii) methodological justification (research design, instrumentation, data collecting procedures, and data analysis); (iii) discussion of results and (iv) implications for the advancement of hospitality and tourism research and/or industry practice. Or: • Conceptually-based, i.e. seeking to develop a fuller understanding of the hospitality and tourism industry and/or education by building on existing knowledge. For example, a conceptual model explains facts of events in a way that increases understanding and should be more than a basic introduction to a topic. A conceptual poster should include: (i) an outline of the topic and review of previously published work; (ii) unique treatment, analysis, or critique of the current state of knowledge on the topic; and (iii) implications for hospitality & tourism education, research, or industry practice.
Theoretical/Academic contributions will be reviewed (among others) regarding timeliness and appropriateness of literature; appropriateness of the research method; the data analysis; the quality and relevance of the discussion; and contribution to knowledge and academic debate.
Industry/Applied posters are encouraged to report accounts of innovative work or best practices with demonstrable value to an organisation. Educational posters may describe innovative teaching methods, modules and curricula, or other topics related to education within the field of hospitality and tourism.
Practical/Applied contributions will be reviewed (among others) regarding the identification of a specific industry-based or education-based topic or challenge; timeliness and appropriateness of literature; significance and relevance of the findings; quality of the discussion; relevance of outcomes to educators/education or practitioners/industry; (proposed) actions to be taken; and recommendations for industry and/or the academic community.
Subheadings should be left-justified, upper and lower case, in bold italics, and printed in 24point type. Do not use headings other than these two types.
Spacing and Indentation
Single-space the body of the poster but leave one line between the end of one section and a new heading/ subheading. Do not leave a space between paragraphs. Begin each new paragraph with an indentation of 5mm.
Figures, Tables and Diagrams
Figures and tables should appear within the body of the poster and should be numbered consecutively. The figure, table or diagram number and description should appear in boldface 22 (max)-point type at the top. Leave only one line below and above each figure/table.
Citations and References
Citations and references should conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, APA (6th edition). See APA Guidelines at:
A few useful reminders:
• In English, people read from top-to-bottom and left-to-right and you should arrange your poster to reflect this by putting information into columns. • Your poster should have a good visual balance of figures and text, separated by space. Balance occurs when images and text are reflected (at least approximately) across a central horizontal, vertical, or diagonal axis. • Create titles (use bold and italics) to indicate the important parts of your poster and, if it helps, use organizational cues such as numbers, letters or arrows to guide the viewer. • Do include a conclusions section at the bottom of the poster. This should be in a separate panel and use the minimum of words. • Once you have prepared your poster, please conduct a final spell and grammar check and make a final visual inspection to make sure your poster matches the style presented by this guide. Does the heading have the proper spacing between headline and author names? Are the margins correct and balanced? • Helpful hint: If you print your poster on a standard sheet of paper, you should be able to read all of it - including text in figures - comfortably. If you can't, your text is too small.
Each presenter is responsible for loading their own PowerPoint file onto the presentation PC. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the session in which you are presenting to ensure your PowerPoint loads successfully. Remote Presenters (slide clickers) will be available, but you are happy to bring your own USB device should you require it.
Session Format
Presentations begin on the hour or at half-past the hour.
The concurrent sessions are a series of 30 minutes blocks of time, organised thus:
20 minutes Presentation 5 minutes Q&A 5 minutes Preparation for next presenter and audience movement
Running the Session on the Day
Remember the date, time and location of the Paper Session you are presenting.
Be at the room at least 10 minutes in advance.
A chair will be in each room to assist you in your role – they will sort out the AV (uploading presentations to the laptops provided) and troubleshoot any problems.
At the beginning of the session, the chair will introduce the presenters to the audience and explain the running order.
The chair will advise you when you are reaching the end of your presentation time. You will be issued with ‘5 minutes’ and ‘1 minute’ flashcards. A “stop” flashcard will be used to notify you if you have reached the maximum time allocated to you.
It is important that you keep to the published order for paper presentations as this will allow movement of people between different sessions at the half-hour and on-the-hour mid points.
During the sessions, there are 5 minutes allocated to allow people to change rooms and so it is important that sessions are started promptly and not delayed.
Guidelines for presenters