Tourism Naturally is a conference designed to address the myriad of issues that arise as tourism businesses, infrastructure, travellers, and hosts interact in overlapping economic, cultural, social, and environmental spheres. Our mission is to increase professionalism and effectiveness in the travel and tourism field.
The tourism industry operates at the intersection of business and the environment. Tourism can improve human health and well-being while serving as a catalyst for increasing appreciation and stewardship of the natural world, but it can also destroy the very destinations that draw travellers. The economic importance of cultural and nature-based tourism is a major factor in the travel industry. This shows that tourism is a complex, multi-level phenomenon that is best understood using tools from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. Tourism research can inform and guide industry decisions to address real-world problems and to proactively plan for a sustainable future. Industry innovators also bring important lessons and perspectives to the table for building ecological and societal integrity, and industry sustainability.
Protected areas are key spaces of tourism consumption and key drivers of tourism demand nationally and internationally. They are often embroiled in complex socio-cultural, economic and environmental discussions, traditionally related to sustainable tourism development. These spaces can act as catalysts for change both within and outside of the tourism setting.
This conference seeks to explore the intersection of sustainability and health and wellbeing within and around protected areas. Specifically, the conference aims to understand the lasting contribution these experiences can have on the visitor and the destination through the transformative potential of the tourist encounter with natural resources. The transformational outcomes for people and places will be explored through a focus on health, wellbeing and sustainability, providing insights into the multitude of contexts, challenges, and opportunities of tourism within and around protected areas.
TNC 2019 will feature leading thinkers in tourism research and practice who will provide a special focus on tourism, health, wellbeing and sustainability in and around protected areas. We invite you to join us and help set the precedent for future tourism research, innovation, and collaboration as well as to strengthen research in the field of protected area tourism and wellbeing.